
Showing posts from November, 2024

Entry #10: Small Changes, Big Benefits

 The Importance of Whole Foods     Whole foods are natural, unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetable , whole grains, nuts, and lean proteins. It is crucial to incorporate these types of food into your diet in order to maintain a strong, healthy body. Whole foods are the foundation of a healthy diet. They are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They also help to boost our immune system and improve digestion.     Though there are many physical benefits to eating well, there are also many psychological effects as well. Maintaining a diet rich in nutritious whole foods, can improve mood, mental clarity, and overall cognitive function.        When you fuel your body with the right foods, it's like giving it the best kind of energy to perform at its best. Eating whole foods doesn't just mean you're giving your body what it needs for strength and health- you're also supporting your mind, helping you stay focused and feel more positive throu...

Entry #9 Tracked & Targeted

 In today's digital world, it is becoming more apparent that the algorithms that drive our favorite apps are constantly tracking our behavior. Most of the time, we don't even fully realize it. Whether I'm scrolling through social media, browsing an online store, or watching videos on a streaming platform, it feels like these apps are somehow talking to each other, collecting data about my preferences.   Image source Throughout the process of writing about how powerful media is, I've started to pay closer attention to the power it has over me. I feel like I am constantly consuming media whether it's social media, specific advertising, or even pop-ups. I am always consuming it, and most likely, so are you.  As a result, it has become more important for me to pay attention to how I am using various media and how I am interacting with them. Moving forward, I want to become more intentional with how I engage with the media I use. I want to recognize both its power and it...

Entry #8: It's Not Just a Drink

      When it comes to fitting in, it can feel like everyone is drinking. Whether it's at parties or on social media, it's easy to get the idea that alcohol is just a normal part of being a teen. Here is the truth: underage drinking is NOT cool, and the risks that come along with it can change your life in ways you may not even consider.  Your Brain is Still Growing     You probably already know that your brain isn't fully developed until you're 25. Did you know that drinking alcohol interferes with your brain's growth and development? The teen years are a crucial time for brain development, and alcohol can interfere with how your brain works.  Image Source Drinking before your brain is fully developed can lead to issues with memory, decision-making, and concentration.  It can make it harder to focus in school or make critically thought-out choices down the road. Plus, if you drink too much as a teen, you're more likely to develop a drinking probl...

Blog Entry #7: Press Pound

      The hashtag has evolved form a simple symbol that was used to indicate numbers, or pounds, to a powerful digital tool that shapes how we interact on social media. It can even help us find certain content.  From Pound Sign to Digital Tool     The pound sign which has been turned into "hashtag" is now a powerful digital tool that has a surprising history. Most of us associate it with social media, but the symbol actually predates the digital age. In the world prior to internet, the "hashtag" had a multitude of uses. It was previously referred to as the "pound-sign". On telephones, the pound sign was part of the keypad, used for navigating automated menus and marked the end of a sequence.      In 2007, Chris Messina , a tech guy who was kind of ahead of the curve, proposed using the pound sign for something different. Instead of just being this random symbol on your phone, he introduced using it on Twitter as a way to group similar posts...