Superfood or Health Hazard?

     Throughout the past couple of months, I have seen so many polarized opinions on the consumption of red meat. A lot of fitness influencers recommend eating meat as a superfood and encourage their followers to eat it daily, whereas healthcare providers strongly disagree. So, what can healthy consumption of red meat look like?

Why Red Meat?

    There is a fitness influencer that I have been following for a couple of years now, and she swears by the carnivore diet. Here is a more recent video to get an idea of what she eats in a day. In almost every meal, she is consuming a form of red meat. She is obviously in really good shape and seems to be very healthy.
    The image to the left, is an example of processed red meats that are filled with salt, nitrates, and other preservatives, which can severely impact an individuals health. 
    Though it is quick and easy to pick these types of meats at a grocery store, it is important to remember that, for the most part, these "quick and easy" meats are carcinogens.

Organic and Grass-Fed

    Although it is significantly cheaper to buy processed meats, it is healthier and more ethical to buy organic and grass-fed meats. Grass-fed farming practices typically prioritize the quality of animal welfare. They are able to roam freely and graze in a natural environment. 
    Grass-fed meats are also significantly healthier and better for your heart. Rather than processed beef packs, grass-fed beef is packed with omega-3 fatty acids. Organic standards prohibit the use of antibiotics and synthetic hormones; therefore, organic meats have reduced additives compared to those that are processed.

    Striking a Balance

    Ultimately, navigating the world of red meat consumption requires careful moderation and balance in order to understand its potential benefits and recognizing its associated risks. There is a ton of research that has gone into this, and it is important to be informed about what you're ingesting in order to maximize awareness for your own individual dietary needs.


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