Entry #3: Slanted Reporting and Scare Tactics About the Upcoming Election

 Slanted Reporting

    There are plenty of slanted reports that people or corporations use in order to manipulate public perception, shape narratives, or to advance their own agendas. Slanted reporting is heavily relied on bias. We can see it almost everywhere! Ads, commercials, and product endorsements are the most common types of slanted reporting that we see on a day-to-day basis. 

                       Trump's Endorsed Attack Ad

    The video linked above is a relevant slanted report regarding the upcoming election. The clip is only about 30 seconds long, but Trump's team manages to implement a series of misleading claims and emotional appeals designed to sway the audience. By selectively editing statements and omitting critical content, the ad shapes a distorted narrative for the sole purpose of undermining Kamala Harris' credibility. The ad says that Kamala "covered up" Bidens mental decline by using clips of her talking without giving the context in which the videos were captured from. The ad also states that she essentially killed the American Dream with no further explanation. 
    This tactic highlights the growing trend of using attack ads in order to shape electoral outcomes. These strategies often times prioritize sensationalism over factual accuracy. Big corporations like to implement emotional factors to rile up voters and sway their emotions which will ultimately make them believe that what they are hearing is true because it is making them feel something. 

Importance of Recognizing Slanted Reporting 

    Especially in a crucial time like right before an election, it is important to detect where slanted reporting is implemented. Awareness of bias encourages the critical thinking of voters. By being vigilant about the media's portrayal of candidates, we as citizens can better navigate the political landscape which allows us to be a more informed voter. 



  1. With me, In America, there is great freedom of speech and freedom to criticize all those we don't like by giving false information about them to bring them down, reduce their reputation so that the person we choose can become president. I agree with you, we need Filter information to choose the right president to keep peace for the country.


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